
Radiology Technologist Schools and Careers in North Dakota

    The colleges and universities of North Dakota offer several options for earning a degree in radiologic technology. The following overview of radiologic technologist and technician schools in North Dakota provides high-level information on the schools and programs that may be a match for your interests and career aspirations. You may also find online radiologic technologist and technician schools that can offer greater flexibility in scheduling and broader avenues for self-directed study. Read about the difference between radiologic technologists and radiology technicians. Continue reading this page for further information on radiologic technology careers and radiologic technologist and technician schools in North Dakota, including a table of rad tech programs, profiles of select schools, and career information.

    Quick Facts

    • There are 5 not-for-profit colleges and universities with radiologic technology degree programs in North Dakota.1
    • No schools offer a certificate program in radiologic science.1
    • 2 schools offer an associate’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • 3 schools offer a bachelor’s degree in radiologic science.1
    • No schools offer a master’s or advanced degree in radiologic science.1
    • No schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).2
    • 1 school has a medical imaging program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).3
    • No schools have medical imaging programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT).4

    North Dakota Medical Imaging Schools Comparison

    We have designed the following table to allow you to easily compare all the not-for-profit radiologic technology and medical imaging programs in North Dakota on a variety of factors. You should check with the North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB) to ensure that the program you are considering will meet licensure requirements.

    School NameAssociate’s Imaging ProgramBachelor’s Imaging ProgramGraduate Imaging ProgramNational AccreditationCompletion Rate2Credential Exam Pass Rate2Job Placement Rate2Net Price1
    Bismarck State CollegeYesCAAHEP$11,309
    Dakota College at BottineauYes$9,946
    Minot State UniversityYes$12,360
    North Dakota State UniversityYes$15,962
    University of MaryYes$18,369

    • — indicates none.
    • N.Av. indicates no data available.

    Select Schools in North Dakota with Radiology Technologist Degree Programs

    Minot State University

    Undergraduate students at Minot State University can earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) with a major in Radiologic Technology. There are two tracks of study, Radiologic Technology and Diagnostic Sonography. The full-time, four-year program comprises 129 to 145 total credit hours. Radiologic technology majors are required to take courses including Management Information Systems; Anatomy and Physiology; Introductory Chemistry; Medical Terminology; and Introduction to Radiologic Technology. Students first complete all on-campus required coursework and then enroll in two years of clinical practice with an associated clinical radiologic technology school, such as Trinity Hospital School of Radiologic Technology. The clinical experience is expected to count for a total of 52 credits spread over four semesters. Upon graduation, students will be prepared to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technology (ARRT) examination and will be equipped to enter the workplace as entry-level radiology assistants and radiographers.

    North Dakota State University

    North Dakota State University (NDSU) offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Radiologic Sciences. Housed within NDSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences, the BS in Radiologic Sciences curriculum includes a series of radiology courses along with 12 credits of special electives that complement the regular curriculum and the specific interests of students. Sample radiologic sciences courses include Human Anatomy & Physiology; Chemical Concepts and Applications; Elements of Biochemistry; and Common Medicines & Diseases. The two-year, full-time internship that follows academic coursework, which takes place at an affiliated hospital or medical imaging center, is intensive. This opportunity is designed to prepare graduates to compete professionally in their area of specialization (cardiovascular technologist, diagnostic medical sonographer, MRI technologist, radiologic technologist, or sonographer).

    How to Become a Radiology Technologist in North Dakota

    State licensing for radiologic technologists and technicians in North Dakota is overseen by the North Dakota Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Board (NDMIRTB, or the Board). The state requires licensure and registration for all imaging professionals. This includes nuclear medicine technologists (NMT), radiation therapists, radiographers, radiologist assistants, sonographers, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologists, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists (RCIS), and registered cardiac electrophysiology specialists (RCES). Though the process may vary by specialty, the licensure application in North Dakota is generally as follows:

    1. Earn a diploma, certificate, or degree in your desired area of practice. The program you complete should prepare you to pass a national examination in the modality or modalities that you plan to pursue.
    2. Pass an approved certification and registration exam. In order to be licensed in North Dakota, you must first be certified by the ARRT or by another nationally-certified body recognized by the Board.
    3. Apply for state licensure. Applicants should submit a state license application corresponding to their specific modality of practice through the Board’s website. All applicants must complete a background check.
    4. Maintain proper registration and complete continuing education. You must be registered in each modality you practice. You are also required to earn five hours of continuing education (CE) per year for each modality you practice.

    A Limited X-ray Machine Operator (LXMO) permit is also offered, though this permit is limited to non-imaging professionals such as nurses who are already licensed or authorized in another healthcare capacity. Candidates who meet this requirement may apply to the Board for a conditional permit, which allows them to pursue approved didactic education in medical imaging. Once the education requirements have been met, candidates must pass the ARRT Limited Scope of Practice in Radiography exam, after which an LXMO permit may be issued.

    North Dakota Radiology Tech Salary and Job Outlook

    Projected Job Growth


    Radiology Techs in North Dakota from 2020-20305

    Radiologic tech employment in North Dakota is expected to grow by 14.4% in the decade ending in 2030, with 130 new jobs expected to be added to the state workforce during this time period.5 Nationally, projections call for 8.6% job growth for rad techs during the same time period.5 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 810 radiologic technologists and technicians were employed in North Dakota in 2022; on average, they earned a yearly salary of $63,360.6 The BLS does not track occupational data for limited scope x-ray technicians. However, limited scope technicians typically earn less than fully-licensed radiologic technicians due to the lower educational requirements and work responsibilities. Major hospitals in North Dakota that hire radiologic technologists include Sanford Health, CHI St. Alexius Health, Altru Health System, and Essentia Health. Radiologic technologists and technicians can also look for opportunities at private imaging centers, cancer treatment centers, and orthopedic practices such as the Institute of Diagnostic Imaging, Sakakawea Medical Center, and Trinity Health.

    North Dakota Radiologic Technologist Salary by Metro Area

    CityNumber Employed7Average Annual Salary7

    1. National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
    2. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Program Effectiveness Data: https://www.jrcert.org/program-effectiveness-data/
    3. Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs: https://www.caahep.org/students/find-an-accredited-program
    4. Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology: https://www.jrcnmt.org/programs/
    5. Projections Central Long Term Occupational Projections: https://projectionscentral.org/Projections/LongTerm
    6. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, Radiologic Technologists and Technicians: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292034.htm
    7. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oessrcma.htm